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Ensuring a Safe Water Supply

The City of Beverly Hills Water Utility Bureau is committed to public health protection that it also seeks out and monitors for unregulated contaminants to stay ahead of potential health risks. Water risks are assessed and managed, using the rigorous scientific framework of the Safe Drinking Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, State Water Resources Board’s Division of Drinking Water (SWRB-DDW) and the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).

California has some of the most strictest water quality standards in the nation! Laws that were established by federal and state governments were based on cutting–edge scientific work that also utilize health related data to protect public health. These standards are developed not by one but by several governmental agencies, which have experienced public health medical doctors, toxicologists, epidemiologists, exposure scientists, environmental scientists, mathematical scientist, computer scientists, and biostatisticians to name just a few.


Lead and Copper in Residential Plumbing

The City of Beverly Hills’ Water Utilities Bureau is dedicated to providing high quality drinking water.   However, it is important to note that the variety of materials used in residential plumbing components may change the water quality once it enters the home. Lead and copper in drinking water primarily derives from materials and components from customers’ service lines and plumbing. If you have concerns about lead and copper in your water, services for water testing are available from State qualified laboratories for a fee. The fee depends on the number of constituents you like tested in the water and amount of samples you submit. A simple lead test will usually cost around $30 to $50, with more extensive testing costing over $3,000. You can obtain references for qualified laboratories by contacting the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water by email at or by visiting their website at

Additional Step You Can Take:

  • Replace household galvanized plumbing. In homes that, or previously had, a lead service pipe, galvanized plumbing can release lead in tap water.
  • Install lead-free faucets, valves and fittings. Until 2014 products labeled “lead-free” could contain up to eight percent lead. Make sure you install newer fixtures and fittings that are at or below 0.24 percent lead.
  • Flush water taps after installing new household pipes or fixtures. New plumbing can release metals after installation. Flush plumbing for five minutes at a high flow rate once a day for at least three days after the installation.
  • Flush your taps for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using for drinking or cooking if your water has been stagnant for
  • If you are interested in exploring water filter options, the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water website provides a comprehensive list of registered Residential Water Treatment Devices. Visit to find a filter that meets your specific needs.

For more information about lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps to minimize exposure can be obtained by calling the U.S. EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800.426.4791 or by visiting




  • City of Beverly Hills Shield
  • City of Beverly Hills
  • 455 North Rexford Dr
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210
  • (310) 285-1000
  • Monday-Thursday 7:30AM-5:30PM
  • Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM

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