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Related Mobility Projects

The City of Beverly Hills is actively working to prepare for the opening of the Metro Purple (D) Line stations at Wilshire/La Cienega and Wilshire/Rodeo. Some projects are completed, others are underway, and additional projects are anticipated to kick off in the coming months and years. This webpage presents related mobility projects and other efforts to improve the transit rider experience that the City has spearheaded.


Related Mobility Projects Timeline

Project dates are subject to change.


Projects by Year

Click on a Project Title to view more related mobility information.



Complete Streets Plan

Complete Streets Logo

The City of Beverly Hills Complete Streets Plan (adopted April 2021) incorporates public infrastructure standards, programs, and policies to make our streets better and accessible for all users - walking, biking, transit and vehicles - for people of all ages and abilities. It reflects input received from residents and best practices from other cities.

The City is currently working on implementing high priority projects from the Complete Streets Action Plan that provide first/last mile connections to the two subway stations, including new and enhanced crosswalks, bikeways, and bus shelters. One of these projects is Connect Beverly Hills, discussed below.

N Santa Monica Green Bike Lane  Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing

Examples of bicycle lanes and enhanced pedestrian crossings


Connect Beverly Hills

Connect Beverly Hills Logo

The City of Beverly Hills is developing streetscape design standards for Wilshire and La Cienega Boulevards. This project will develop a vision for new sidewalk designs and pedestrian amenities that better connect our community and prepare for the opening of the subway, and will recommend first/last mile elements like pedestrian infrastructure improvements, bus shelter standards, and wayfinding signage.

Wilshire Robertson Rendering

Artist rendering of improvements at the intersection of Wilshire and Robertson Blvds.


Gale Mobility Hub

Gale Mobility Hub Conceptual Plan

Conceptual plan for the future Gale Mobility Hub

A mobility hub is a place where multiple transportation options or services come together, providing an integrated suite of mobility options. In addition to serving transportation functions, mobility hubs can provide additional amenities to the public, including places to rest, relax, gather, and grab a bite to eat.

The City of Beverly Hills proposes using the vacant, city-owned lot at the Gale Staging Yard (8421 Wilshire Boulevard) to serve transportation and placemaking functions as a Mobility Hub for residents and visitors to Beverly Hills. As part of Connect Beverly Hills (discussed above), the City worked with the community to develop a conceptual site plan for the Mobility Hub, which includes space for passenger and shuttle pick-up and drop-off, bike parking, plaza seating, security (such as a police substation), restrooms, food kiosks, wayfinding and information, and public art.

The next step is to continue working with the community to design the Mobility Hub and build the project, as early as 2024 when Metro vacates the property after the subway opens.


Metro's First and Last Mile
First and Last Miles

Metro is currently studying the areas surrounding the Purple (D Line) Extension for opportunities to improve walking and biking connections to the future stations, including bike lanes and bike parking, crosswalks, traffic calming, bus stop enhancements, streetscape amenities, and wayfinding signage. These recommendations are being coordinated with the City projects discussed above. The first and last mile plan for the Wilshire/Rodeo Station was completed in May 2020, and the plan for the Wilshire/La Cienega Station was completed in September 2021. For more information, please visit the Metro website at

La Cienega Pedestrian Pathway Network First Last Mile   La Cienega Bicycle Pathway Network First Last Mile

Maps courtesy of LA Metro showing pedestrian and bicycle pathway networks near La Cienega Station

  • City of Beverly Hills Shield
  • City of Beverly Hills
  • 455 North Rexford Dr
    Beverly Hills, CA 90210
  • (310) 285-1000
  • Monday-Thursday 7:30AM-5:30PM
  • Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM

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